I recently took a short trip to the Cape Cod Canal in Massachusetts. The canal is a waterway that was built so ships can avoid having to navigate out around the arm of Cape Cod. It was built during the 1920’s and is maintained by the US Army Corps of Engineers.

Cape Cod Canal – By Grolltech – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=19423525
In addition to being a shipping channel, it’s also a recreation area along the coast line in Massachusetts. I went there to do some biking, to get in some beach time, and to check out a state park campground near the canal.
I shot a lot of video clips while I was down their and used them to create a video about my visit. You can see it below. The video says it all, so I’ll be brief with words in this post.
This was a short visit of just three days, but it was a beautiful three days.
Scusset Beach State Recreation Area is a very nice place to stay. It was originally developed as coastal military defense site during WWII. Today it is home to a beautiful beach and campground. It’s a popular camping spot being just t a short walk to the beach and the canal. During the summer months it is booked solid. I was lucky to get a spot because I went early in the season.
If you’re not camping, there are plenty of free places along the canal for day parking. The big attractions along the canal are the bike paths and fishing. The bike paths are 7 miles long and there’s one on each side of the canal. There are restroom facilities along the path.
I enjoyed my visit to the Cape Cod canal. It was not my first and won’t be my last.
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You need to get an electric bike!! I’m serious, you’ll love it, you’ll be searching for wonderful hills to bike, it’s a breeze and delight 🙂
PS: Should mention, not all electric bikes are made the same. Different configurations, battery location and power levels, number of gears, brakes, bike sitting style, etc. can make or break a love affair with an electric bike. I have a compilation of websites to visit and do research on the various ebike configurations and prices, contact me if interested.
I’m a former long distance cyclist. I would train for 100 mile rides and usually do 4-8 each year. I rode in the MS 150 ride from Boston to P-Town for 8 years in a row.
Part of our route would use the bike paths on the north and south side of the canal. Today I’m good for about 10-14 miles. I’ve looked at e-bikes but the weight of those beasts is a deterrent for me. Gonna keep pedaling as long as I can.
Yeah, mine is 60 pounds. I use a doggy ramp to wheel it up/down in my cargo van. That’s one of the negatives. However, I ride constantly, almost everyday, even 20 hilly miles to the post office is a breeze, to the grocery store, on bike paths, etc. If I had a regular bike, I would find plenty of excuses not to bike.
Thanks J. Dawg! We have been wondering about that camp ground. Now we have added it as a must-visit site. Tom and I hope to see you at Grey Fox this year. I have another song planned for Wednesday’s Open Mic. And…I hear the food is going to be excellent!
Hi Terri;
Yes, I will be at Grey Fox. Looking forward to seeing you and Tom next month.
JDawg, Do you have an extend a stay installed in your View? Looking to do that on my View.
By extend-a-stay meaning a valve off my main propane tank that lets me run an external propane tank? No, I don’t have one installed.
J. Dawg